The Descartes Systems Group Inc. announced that OHL is enhancing its security operations with Descartes' cloud-based Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) solution. ACAS was designed to provide Customs and Border Protection (CBP) with more time to analyze security filing data for US-bound air cargo shipments prior to the shipment being loaded on the aircraft. By receiving information about the parties and commodities involved in an inbound air shipment earlier from the forwarder as opposed to the carrier, CBP hopes to be able to better identify high-risk shipments destined for the United States.

In addition, the program will speed up the movement of lower-risk shipments and leave more resources to focus on higher-risk shipments for additional screening. Descartes' ACAS solution was built based on consultative efforts with leading forwarders within Descartes' community and joint meetings between Descartes, CBP and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The solution complies with the requirements of the ACAS pilot project, which performs security threat threshold targeting using pre-departure air cargo information for CBP and TSA.