PR Newswire/Les Echos/

5 January 2010

      Monthly disclosure of the total number of shares and voting rights 
                 Article 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation

Date                  Shares                 Voting rights
                                    Theoretical (1)  Exercisable (2)
31 December 2009    213 410 492     213 410 492      213 395 867

(1) In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulation, this 
number is calculated on the basis of all the shares to which voting rights are
attached, including shares whose voting rights have been suspended.

(2) For information purposes only, the net number of shares whose voting rights
have been suspended.

The information is also available in the "Regulated Information" section of the
TF1 website : 

                         TÉLÉVISION FRANÇAISE 1 - TF1 
          French société anonyme with share capital of EUR42 682 098 
   Registered office : 1, Quai du Point du Jour - 92100 BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT 
                         Reg n° 326 300 159 NANTERRE
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