04 January 2013 Telkom Internet introduces unlimited browsing on capped offers

Telkom will be upgrading its internet network from 1 February 2013, in a move towards optimising customer experience.

Both residential and business clients will benefit from this upgrade.

The change that will take place as a result, is the replacement of the free local data promotion by a "soft cap" for new and existing customers.

This effectively means customers reaching their internet cap will no longer be limited to local data. They will now also be able to access international sites. Removing this restriction signifies Telkom's continuous efforts to ensure it meets customer demands.

Instead of hitting a cap, customers will now merely have their speed slowed down and some of their international activity shaped.

Of great importance, is that all data consumed on the soft cap will not be charged for.

Day to day activities such as email, banking and browsing will be given priority, whilst lower priority will be given to high usage applications such as file sharing and streaming services.

There are three options available to customers wanting to surf on full speed again:

  1. Pre-Paid credit card Top-Up: purchase additional data onto the internet account using a South African credit card.
  2. Post-Paid Billing (Cap Management): pay-per-use model where customers will be charged on their Telkom invoice per MB for data consumed. For customers using the cap management feature, Telkom will provide a default "double your chosen data cap limit" and customers will no longer be able to set their own cap. Customers choosing this option can request the soft cap at any time by visiting the Telkom Internet Usage tracker tool on the website.
  3. Accounts can also be upgraded to a higher cap by contacting the Company online or telephonically via:
    • Residential: 10210
    • Business: 10217
Customers will not lose their usernames or passwords by upgrading.

With regards to the Do Uncapped Offers, Telkom will remove the current daytime speed limitations but these packages will remain shaped.

Business customers will also benefit from the upgrade. TBiz Uncapped will evolve to see greater prioritisation of business traffic. This gives business customers an edge as the prioritisation of business applications will ensure business critical data reaches a business' customers and suppliers on time, enabling ultimate productivity.

Despite the added value, prices remain the same for the Do (consumer) and TBiz (business) capped bundles.

For further enquiries, please contact:


Senior Specialist: Media Relations
Tel.: (012) 311-5247
Cell: 081 389 7874
Email: chettpr2@telkom.co.za



Specialist: Media Relations
Tel.: (012) 311-7114
Cell: 081 391 4780
Email: francilm@telkom.co.za

About Telkom

Telkom is a leading communications services provider in South Africa and on the African continent. We had consolidated operating revenue from continuing operations of R33.1 billion and profit for the year from continuing operations of R179 million for the year ended 31 March 2012. Total assets from continuing operations amounted to R52.6 billion and equity attributable to the owners of Telkom to R29.7 billion as of 31 March 2012. The group generated free cash flow of R2.1 billion for the year ended 31 March 2012.

We had consolidated operating revenue of R16.1 billion and profit after tax of R222 million for the six months ended 30 September 2012. Total assets amounted to R53.3 billion and equity attributable to the owners of Telkom to R29.8 billion as of 30 September 2012. The group generated free cash flow of R1.5 billion for the six months ended 30 September 2012.

As of 30 September 2012, we had approximately 3.9 million telephone access lines in service and 99.9% of our telephone access lines were connected to digital exchanges. We offer business, residential and payphone customers a wide range of services and products, including:

  • fixed-line subscription and connection services to post-paid, prepaid and private payphone customers using PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network) lines, including ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) lines, and the sale of the subscription based value-added voice services and customer premises equipment rental and sales;
  • fixed-line traffic services to post-paid, prepaid, and payphone customers, including local, long distance, fixed-to-mobile, international outgoing and international voice-over-internet protocol traffic services;
  • interconnection services, including terminating and transiting traffic from South African mobile operators, as well as from international operators and transiting traffic from mobile to international destinations;
  • fixed-line data centre operations and internet services, including domestic and international data transmission services, such as point-to-point leased lines, ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line) services, packet-based services, managed data networking services and internet access and related information technology services;
  • e-commerce, including internet access service provider, application service provider, hosting, data storage, e-mail and security services;
  • mobile communication services, including voice services, data services and handset sales through its mobile brand called 8•ta; and Telkom Business Mobile; and
  • other services including directory services, through Trudon (Proprietary) Limited, wireless data services, through Swiftnet (Proprietary) Limited and internet services outside South Africa, through iWayAfrica Group (integration of Africa Online Limited and MWEB Africa Limited).
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