Petter-Børre Furberg (56) has been appointed CEO of Posten Bring AS, taking over
from Tone Wille. Furberg comes from Telenor and has extensive management
experience from Norwegian, Nordic and international businesses, most recently as
Head of Telenor Asia. 

Furberg started in Telenor in 1998 and has filled a number of management roles,
including CEO of Telenor Norway, EVP and Head of Telenor Nordics and most
recently EVP and Head of Telenor's Asia operations.

Solid and relevant background
Anne Carine Tanum, Board Chair in Posten Bring AS, is delighted with the hiring
of Furberg. 
"The board is pleased to have hired Petter-Børre Furberg as CEO of Posten Bring
AS. He has a solid and relevant background from a large corporate group where he
has managed major, complex businesses in Norway, the Nordic region and
internationally", says Anne Carine Tanum, Board Chair in Posten Bring AS,

"Furberg is value-driven and has achieved impressive results in Telenor. Among
other things, he has achieved growth through change and development. He has
built up new organisations under demanding conditions and understands how
technology can be used in business and service development. I would also like to
highlight his ability to create good cooperation and synergies between countries
and markets, with a focus on customers, sustainability and talent development",
says the board chair. 

Tanum believes that Furberg is the right person to position Posten Bring in a
demanding market and in a larger socio-political perspective.

A dream job
"After 25 years in the Telenor system, the opportunity to lead a large corporate
group presented itself. I want to try something new, and for me this is a dream
job", says Petter-Børre Furberg, who will take up his position as CEO 1 August. 
He emphasises that Posten Bring is a customer-focused and innovative company
with clear and strong values.
"Posten Bring has a culture that embraces change, and has made an impression
with its customer focus and innovative power, and as one of Norway's leading
companies in meeting the climate challenge. I look forward to being part of the
next stage in the journey of change and our shared success in new ventures",
says Furberg.

Before his time at Telenor, Petter-Børre Furberg worked in the Ministry of
Finance, in the Storting (the Norwegian parliament) as secretary of the Standing
Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, and in DNB. He is presently a member
of the board of DNB, a position he will retain.

Furberg succeeds Tone Wille, who in October 2023 informed the board that she
wished to resign after seven years as CEO and a total of 17 years in Posten

Petter-Børre Furberg will receive exactly the same salary and conditions as the
current CEO of Posten Bring, specifically an annual salary of NOK 6 450 000 and
a pension in line with Posten Bring's standard pension plan. A car allowance is
also included. No bonus arrangement is attached to the position.

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© Oslo Bors ASA, source Oslo Stock Exchange