Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange and the legislation, Telekom Slovenije, d. d., hereby publishes the following notification:

Telekom Slovenije, d.d., as a target company, has received from the Securities Market Agency (ATVP) a supplementation to the invitation to the party to make a declaration regarding the facts and circumstances which are relevant for the decision from 7 January 2013.

In the supplementation, the Securities Market Agency establishes that there is a concerted action with regard to Telekom Slovenije, d.d., on the part of the Republic of Slovenia, Kapitalska družba d.d., Slovenska odškodninska družba, d.d., Aerodrom Ljubljana, d.d., Nova KBM d.d., Luka Koper d.d., Sklad za financiranje razgradnje Nuklearne elektrarne Krško (Fund for decommissioning the Krško nuclear power plant) and Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d., and that they are jointly reaching and exceeding the takeover threshold, and should therefore submit a joint takeover offer for the shares of Telekom Slovenije, d.d. in accordance with the Takeovers Act (Zakon o prevzemih).

The notification is also published at the company website (www.telekom.si) for the period of at least five years following the announcement.

The Management Board

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