
According to the results of the tests, carried out by the Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry, Regular 92 (AI-92-K5) gasoline produced at the Elkhovsky refining plant (ENPU) of NGDU "Elkhovneft" of TATNEFT was named one of the best grades.
The independent gasoline laboratory tests were conducted by the Kazan Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry n.a. A.E. Arbuzov. Seven gasoline samples from different manufacturers were taken for the analysis. The elementary and group composition analysis of gasoline was carried out on the PerkinElmer TurboMass Gold gas chromatography-mass spectrometer with electron ionization. The analysis of the composition and properties of the gasoline samples was performed in order to assess their consumer properties.
Comparison of the gasoline composition and properties study results showed that they differed mainly in a manner of the gasoline production. Ester content in the sample of AI-92-K5 gasoline produced at Elkhovsky refining plant coupled with good saturated vapor pressure values contribute to easy starting and warming up a cold engine that allows saving fuel and reducing unproductive time expenditure. Addition of ether to base gasolines promotes reducing the carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons content in the exhaust gas, in other words ensuring sufficiently complete combustion of gasoline in the engine. This has  influence  above all things on the reduction of carbonization products deposition on the engine parts, oil resource increase and accordingly increase of the post-combustion catalyst service time of hydrocarbons remaining in the exhaust gases. The analyzers concluded that the gasoline produced by ENPU of NGDU "Elkhovneft" had the most optimal set of consumer properties.
It is also worth noting that the car fuelling with gasoline of the highest ecological class 5 grade allows reducing the impact of vehicles on the ecological environment and increases the life of the car.
The ENPU of NGDU "Elkhovneft" delivers AI-92-K5 gasoline to TATNEFT's filling stations, located in the southeastern regions and Zakamye of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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