Yang Jun made an offer to acquire 41.6% stake in S. Culture International Holdings Limited (SEHK:1255) for approximately HKD 330 million on January 19, 2017. The shares will be acquired for HKD 4 per share. Yang Jun shall finance and satisfy the consideration payable under the offer with its internal resources and the loan. An agreement for the loan has been signed with Excel Precise for HKD 330 million. The offer was triggered since Yang Jun signed a share purchase agreement to acquire 58.4% stake in S. Culture International Holdings Limited from Chong Hok Hei Charles, Chong Hok Shan, Chong Hot Hoi, Chu Chun Ho Dominic, Chu Chun Wah Haeta, Chu Yuen Fan Peggie, Wong May Heung, Wu Se and Chu Siu Ming for approximately HKD 470 million on January 12, 2017. The tender offer period commence from June 17, 2017 to July 10, 2017. An independent Board committee has been formed to advice the shareholders on the transaction. RHB Capital Hong Kong Limited and BaoQiao Partners Capital Limited acted as financial advisor and Tricor Investor Services Limited acted as transfer agent for S. Culture International Holdings Limited and Octal Capital Limited acted as financial advisor for Yang Jun.