Tartisan Resources Corp. announced that it has signed an agreement with Diaz Ingenieros Consultores SAC to commence the necessary environmental work to establish an approved Exploration Permit at the La Victoria Property (La Victoria or the Property). La Victoria is Tartisan's wholly owned royalty-free project located in northern Ancash Department, Peru, and comprises nine (9) claims totaling 4,360 ha in size.

The Agreement Under the terms of the Agreement, the contractor will begin work to establish the necessary permits for 20 drill platforms. Community agreements, drill platform locations, camp sites as well as all necessary infrastructure requirements will be finalized and submitted for regulatory approval with the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Minerals, Peru. A site visit in December 2014 established that access roads were in good condition and had been improved and extended. Several adits were identified from which samples were taken and prepared for assay.

The Company intends to advance all aspects of the La Victoria project in anticipation of field work and drilling in 2015.