Taoping Inc. announced that it has entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with three other companies to cooperate on naked-eye 3D iGallery and “Smart Station” projects. The three companies are BOE Yiyun Technology Co. Ltd., Sichuan Lvfa Environmental Technology Co.

Ltd., and Wuxi Centennial Ronghua Technology Development Co. Ltd. Pursuant to the agreement, which has a term of five years, TAOP is responsible for the market development of naked-eye 3D iGallery and “Smart Station” projects through its Taoping Alliance network and the overall operation of the new media advertising of Smart Station. The three partners are responsible to integrate and leverage their respective resources in brand, technology, channel, content, and operation to promote the development of naked-eye 3D iGallery and “Smart Station” projects in the market.

The innovative iGallery digital art display offers a new way to show and share art. It provides a full range of solutions for different environments such as museums, schools, hotels and restaurants, office buildings, and homes. With the newly released naked-eye 3D iGallery, the audience can enjoy the cool visual impact without wearing 3D glasses.

“Smart Station” is a modular smart portable public toilet. Based on the Internet of Things and biotechnology, the Smart Station does not need to connect with the sewage pipeline and can stay clean and stinky-free. The Smart Station also includes billboards, iGallery, shared power banks, and vending machines that help make the project sustainable.

The booth-like Smart Station can be established in populated areas such as thoroughfares, parks, and tourist attractions. At present, the Smart Station project has been deployed and put into operation in Chengdu, Changsha, Chongqing, Shenzhen, and several other cities in China.