Wednesday, 23rd August 2011, Tangibal Group Plc is pleased to announce that Venatus Interactive Plc has converted its loan of €250,000 into shares in Tangibal Group Plc at the price of 20 cents per share this represents a premium of 42.8% on the 14 cents closing price of the shares in Tangibal Group Plc on Friday 19th August 2011 on Xetra.

Venatus Interactive Plc is an investment business that specialises in developing emerging interactive gaming technologies and digital media.

As of Wednesday 23rd August 2011 Venatus Interactive Plc holds 2,616,650 shares in Tangibal Group Plc representing 14.2% of the fully diluted capital of the company.

Dominic Berger, CEO, Tangibal Group Plc said “We are very pleased that Venatus continues to support Tangibal Group as it expands its innovative out of home media networks in Cinemas and other destination venues. This further financial support from Venatus establishes them as our main institutional investor, and we are looking forward to a prosperous relationship. With this continued support we have over the last 3 months been able to grow our media networks in the UK and as a result our media revenues are increasing.”

Mr Pfeiffenberger, Managing Director of Venatus Interactive Plc said “We believe Tangibal is well positioned in the digital out of home market which is showing significant growth across Europe and the rest of the world. This investment cements our position as a major shareholder in this exciting business and we are looking to further support the company as it grows its media networks.”