Aug 29, 2013

Ghent, Belgium Aug. 29, 2013 - Taminco announces its receipt of a "Gold" recognition Level by Ecovadis in August 2013.

The rating was awarded following a report carried out in the framework of EcoVadis' collaborative platform Together for Sustainability (TfS), which allows companies to assess the environmental and social performance of their suppliers on a global basis.

The EcoVadis methodology framework assesses the policies and measures put in place as well as the reporting published by companies with regards to environmental, labor practices & human rights, fair business practices and sustainable procurement issues. The assessment conducted by CSR experts is made on the basis of the company answers to a survey which is dynamically adapted to their country, sector and size, on the basis of supporting documentation, and on public and stakeholder (NGOs, trade unions, press) information.

"At Taminco we continually strive to improve our CSR profile and are pleased that the combined efforts of our employees have been recognized by this certification. We continue our work on all levels of CSR through our T-CARE program and aim to reach our 2020 goals for Sustainable Innovation, Responsible Care, and People and Society," says Kurt Decat, CFO and Chairman of Taminco's sustainability committee.

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