ASX Release | 28 May 2012 Talent2 announces recommended cash scheme at $0.78 per share Summary

» Proposed acquisition of all of the outstanding shares in Talent2 (which MBI and its associates do not currently have a relevant interest in) for a cash consideration of $0.78 per share (the Scheme Consideration)
» Cash consideration represents a premium of 98.5% to Talent2's volume weighted average share price of $0.393 in the one month up to and including 25 May 2012 (being the last day of trading before the Scheme was announced)
» Transaction will be implemented by way of a scheme of arrangement
» Unanimous recommendation by the IBC subject to no Superior Proposal emerging and subject also to an independent expert concluding that the Scheme is in the best interests of shareholders
Talent2 International Limited (Talent2) (ASX:TWO) today announced it has entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed (SID) with Morgan & Banks Investments Pty Limited (MBI), Allegis Group, Inc. (Allegis) and Perbec Pty Limited (Perbec),1 under which it is proposed that Perbec will acquire all of the outstanding Talent2 shares not currently held by MBI or its associates,2 for a cash consideration of $0.78 per share (the Scheme). The Scheme implies an equity value for Talent2 of approximately $115 million, on an undiluted basis.3
MBI is a company owned by Andrew Banks and Geoff Morgan, each of whom is a director of Talent2. Allegis is a staffing and workforce management company based in Maryland, USA and is a current strategic operating partner of Talent2. MBI and Allegis have each entered into a standstill deed with Talent2.4
The board of Talent2 established an independent committee of directors (the IBC) to evaluate, and negotiate the terms of, the Scheme on behalf of Talent2.5
The IBC unanimously recommends that shareholders vote in favour of the Scheme, in the absence of a Superior Proposal and subject to the independent expert concluding that the Scheme is in the best interests of shareholders.

1 As at the date of this announcement, Perbec is a wholly owned subsidiary of MBI. If the Scheme becomes effective, it will be

50% directly or indirectly owned by MBI and 50% directly or indirectly owned by Allegis.

2 Geoff Morgan, Andrew Banks and entities controlled by Mr Banks collectively own approximately 21.8% of the Talent2 shares. Allegis does not currently own any Talent2 shares.

3 As at the date of this announcement, Talent2 had 147,403,701 ordinary shares on issue.

4 An overview of the key terms of the standstill arrangements are attached to this announcement in Annexure A.

5 The IBC consists of Ken Borda, Pam Laidlaw and Hans Neilson.

ASX Release | 28 May 2012

Talent2 has appointed Lonergan Edwards & Associates to prepare an independent expert's report on whether the Scheme is in the best interests of shareholders.
The Scheme is intended to be effected by way of a scheme of arrangement under Part 5.1 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and is conditional on, among other things, shareholder and court approval. A copy of the SID is attached to this announcement in Annexure B. A full list of the conditions to the Scheme is contained in clause 3.1 of the SID.

Key metrics of the Scheme

The Scheme Consideration of $0.78 per share represents:
» a premium of 64.2% to the ASX closing share price of $0.475 on 25 May 2012, being the last trading day before the Scheme was announced;
» a premium of 98.5% to the volume weighted average ASX share price (VWAP) of $0.393 in the one month up to and including 25 May 2012; and
» a premium of 77.7% to the VWAP of $0.439 in the three months up to and including 25 May 2012.

IBC Chairman's comments

Chairman of the IBC, Ken Borda, said: "The members of the IBC intend to vote in favour of the Scheme in respect of any shares owned or controlled by them, in the absence of a Superior Proposal and subject to the independent expert concluding that the Scheme is in the best interests of shareholders.
The total consideration per share provides a premium to the one month and three month VWAP of
98.5% and 77.7% respectively.
Upon completion of the proposed scheme, MBI and Allegis have indicated their intention that the existing management team, led by John Rawlinson, will remain in place to continue to drive the performance and growth of the business."

Potential Special Dividend

The SID permits the Scheme Consideration to be structured to include a fully franked special dividend (Special Dividend). To the extent a Special Dividend is paid, shareholders may be entitled to receive the benefit of any franking credits attached to the Special Dividend. The payment of any Special Dividend will be conditional on the Scheme becoming effective and the receipt of a favourable Australian Tax Office ruling. Funding for any Special Dividend is expected to be provided by a loan facility from Perbec. Talent2 will update the market after a final decision is made as to whether a Special Dividend is likely to be paid.
If a Special Dividend is paid, the consideration payable under the Scheme would be reduced by the cash amount of the Special Dividend. However, Talent2 shareholders would still be entitled to receive an aggregate amount of $0.78 per Talent2 share (which would consist of the consideration payable under the scheme and the Special Dividend).

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ASX Release | 28 May 2012

Next Steps

Talent2 shareholders are expected to be sent a scheme booklet in July 2012 containing full details of the Scheme. The scheme booklet will include, among other things, the reasons for the IBC's unanimous recommendation and a copy of the independent expert's report. The Scheme is expected to be implemented in September 2012.
Further details on an anticipated transaction timetable will be provided in due course.

Other Items

Talent2 shareholders should consult their stockbroker, accountant, tax, financial or other professional adviser about the impact of the Scheme on their particular investment objectives. Talent2 will inform the market of any material developments at the appropriate time, including whether a Special Dividend is likely to be declared and paid.
The IBC has engaged KPMG Corporate Finance as financial adviser and Freehills as legal adviser in relation to the Scheme.

For further information please contact: Investor

Talent2 International Limited
David Patteson, Company Secretary | t +61 2 9087 6333 | e

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KPMG Corporate Finance
Rob Bazzani | t +61 3 9288 5594 | e
Jon Adgemis | t +61 2 9335 7222| e


Simon Fitzgerald | t +61 2 9956 5733 | e
Pip Giles | t +61 2 9956 5733 | e

ASX Release | 28 May 2012

About Talent2

Talent2 was founded in 2003, is listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX:TWO) and operates in over
40 offices providing services in 31 countries across the Asia Pacific region, Middle East, UK and USA. It is the leading HR BPO organisation in the Asia Pacific region, working with clients across diverse organisation types and industries to deliver end