Taiwan Liposome Company, Ltd. announced that TLC599 has been approved phase II human clinical studies by Genesis Research Services Pty Limited. TLC599 is a new formulation drug by the company's technology, BioSeizer, as drug delivery system platform. The existing corticosteroid drugs will be in phospholipid and be allowed to injection in disease sites. The treatment is for inflammation caused by arthritis. GBI Research's analysis indicated that global demand for arthritis reached USD 20.6 billion in 2010, and that compound annual growth rate was estimated to be 7.2% between 2010 to 2018, and USD 38 billion in 2018. Arthritis is one of the most common chronic diseases in the world. In clinical, it happens to cartilage degradation connective tissue inflammations, and joint pain. Whereas the existing corticosteroid drugs are generally crystallized for sustainability. The crystal is larger in terms of size; therefore, it risks thick niddle to be infected by wound area. In order to reduce the risks of side effects, TLC599 maintains corticosteroid in lipid formulation to minimize the wound size at the applied area.