Taiwan Kong King Co.,Ltd announced the appointment of members of the 6th Remuneration Committee of the Company. Name of the previous position holder: (1)HUANG WEN-YUAN. (2)WEI HSING-HAI.

(3)CHEN MEI-FEN. Resume of the previous position holder: (1)HUANG WEN-YUAN-Director of the plant of TSMC. (2)WEI HSING-HAI-Accountant of Auditing Department, KPMG.

(3)CHEN MEI-FEN- Senior deputy general Manager of Taiwan Kong King Co. Ltd. Name of the new position holder: (1)CHEN CHAO-HUANG. (2)WEI HSING-HAI.

(3)SHEN SYUE-REN. Resume of the new position holder: (1)CHEN CHAO-HUANG- Independent Director of Feedback Technology Corp. (2)WEI HSING-HAI-Accountant of Auditing Department, KPMG.

(3)SHEN SYUE-REN-National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association consultant Effective date of the new member: June 18, 2024.