Deloitte has cracked the code to provide a first-of-its-kind data analytics and visualization offering that empowers companies to make smarter business decisions. Teaming with Tableau, Deloitte brings together tax technical knowledge, analytics strategy, visualization, top-flight analytics tools, data management, integration, and services in a solution called Taxalytics™. Deloitte's Taxalytics is aimed at supporting the tax function in its role as strategic advisor to the broader enterprise. It serves as a link between an organization's tax, finance, and IT departments by integrating financial data, two of the leading ERP systems and visual analytics technology in user-friendly, analytics dashboards. Business insights, incorporating disparate sources of tax data and results, can now be uncovered in minutes rather than what traditionally has taken days or weeks. The Taxalytics solution from Deloitte is powered by Tableau. Deloitte worked closely with Tableau throughout the development process and successfully surpassed a series of benchmarking tests designed to ensure the data source extract compatibility between Taxalytics and Tableau. Through the use of Taxalytics services and tools, tax departments will now have greater control of their data and reports to improve both compliance and planning. By integrating data across departments, tax professionals are enabled with a clear view of their corporation's complete financial data, while the ability to run real-time analyses prevents reliance on static information buried within spreadsheets.