Baron Oil Plc announced following management changes will occur on March 31, 2019. Dr. Malcolm Butler will step away from his role as Chief Executive but will remain as Executive Chairman; Andrew Yeo, who was appointed as a non-executive director of the company in April 2018, has agreed to take on the executive role of Managing Director; Jon Ford is being appointed as a non-executive director. Jon is an experienced geophysicist and exploration manager who has been involved in international petroleum exploration, development and production for more than 35 years; and Geoffrey Barnes, who agreed to defer his impending retirement as Finance Director in February 2018, will resign from the Board but continue to be employed part-time as Financial Controller and Company Secretary.

He has successfully looked after the Company's financial and secretarial affairs for many years, as a consultant, non-executive director and executive director, and will now enter a well-earned semi-retirement while continuing to keep an eye on finances.