Note: This document has been translated from a part of the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail.

Ticker symbol 8830 June 5, 2024 (Start date of measures for providing information in electronic format: May 29, 2024)

Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. 2-4-1Nishi-Shinjuku,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Kojun Nishima, Representative Director and President

To Our Shareholders:



You are hereby notified that the 91st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. (the "Company") will be held as stated below.

In the event that you are unable to attend, you can exercise your voting rights with either of the methods below. You are requested to review the attached Reference Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders and exercise your voting rights.

[Exercising Voting Rights via Mail]

Please indicate your approval or disapproval on the enclosed Form for the Exercise of Voting Rights and return it to the Company by 5:40 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

[Exercising Voting Rights via the Internet, etc.]

Please enter your approval or disapproval on the voting rights exercise website designated by the Company ( (in Japanese) by 5:40 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26, 2024.


  1. Date and Time: 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 27, 2024
  2. Place: Shinjuku Sumitomo Hall (Entrance B1F), Shinjuku Sumitomo Building, 2-6-1Nishi-Shinjuku,Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
  3. Purpose of the Meeting: Matters to be reported:
    1. Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements and Audit Reports for Consolidated Financial Statements for the 91st fiscal year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) by the Independent Auditor and the Board of Corporate Auditors
    2. Financial Statements for the 91st fiscal year (from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Matters to be resolved:

Agenda 1. Appropriation of Retained Earnings

Agenda 2. Election of One Director

Agenda 3. Election of One Substitute Corporate Auditor

- 1 -

For the convocation of the Meeting, the Company has taken measures to provide information constituting the content of Reference Documents for General Meeting of Shareholders (items for provision in electronic format) electronically and has posted them on the Company website and on the website of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE).

Company Website with Posted Materials for General Meetings of Shareholders

(In order to check the relevant content, access the above website, select "Notice of Convocation of the 91st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" and "Items Omitted from Paper-Based Documents to be Delivered for Notice of Convocation of the 91st Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders.")

Tokyo Stock Exchange Website (Listed Company Search)

(In order to check the relevant documents, access the Tokyo Stock Exchange website listed above, input "Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd." in the "Issue name (company name)" field or "8830" in the "Code" field, click "Search," then click "Basic information" and "Documents for public inspection/PR information," then "Notice of General Shareholders Meeting/Informational Materials for a General Shareholders Meeting.")

If attending the meeting, you are kindly requested to submit the enclosed Form for the Exercise of Voting Rights to a receptionist.

In the event of any modifications to the items for provision in electronic format, a notice of the revisions and the details of the items before and after the revisions will be posted on the Company website and the Tokyo Stock Exchange website.

Among items for which the measures for providing information in electronic format will be taken, the following items are posted on the Company website in accordance with laws and regulations and Article 16, paragraph 2 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, and are omitted in the paper-based documents to be delivered to shareholders ("paper-based documents to be delivered"). These paper-based documents to be delivered constitute part of the documents audited by the Corporate Auditors and the Independent Auditor for preparing their Audit Reports.

  1. "Overview of the Corporate Group, Status of Assets and Profit and Loss, Principal Business Locations, Major Lenders and Borrowing Amounts," "Matters regarding Share Option of the Company, etc.," "Matters regarding Independent Auditor," "Basic Policy on Persons Who Control the Determination of Financial and Business Policies of the Company," and "Systems for Ensuring Appropriateness of Business Operations and its Operational Status of the Company" in the Business Report
  2. "Consolidated statement of changes in net assets" and "Notes to consolidated financial statements" in the Consolidated Financial Statements (in Japanese only)
  3. "Non-consolidatedbalance sheets," "Non-consolidated statements of income," "Non-consolidated statements of changes in net assets," and "Notes to non-consolidated financial statements" in the Financial Statements (in Japanese only)

To Institutional Investors

You may use the Electronic Voting System Platform for institutional investors operated by ICJ, Inc. as a method of exercising voting rights.

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Agenda and References

Agenda 1. Appropriation of Retained Earnings

As described on the next page, the Company's basic policy of profit distribution is to ensure prioritization of investment in leasing office assets in order to enhance the long-term revenue base and to strive for "sustainable dividend increase" in line with profit growth. Recently, the improvement trend in our leasing business is evident, putting us on the clear path to surpassing 300 billion yen in ordinary profit in the next medium-term management plan. Therefore, we have decided to accelerate the pace of the annual dividend increase from 7 yen to 10 yen per share. We will achieve 100 yen per share two years earlier than the target set forth last year - "doubling the dividend within 7 years to 100 yen per share."

In line with this, given the good performance and the record-high profit for the 11th consecutive year, we would like to propose the annual dividend for the fiscal year under review to be 60 yen per share (with an interim dividend of 29 yen and a year-end dividend of 31 yen).

For the next fiscal year ending in March 2025, we plan to increase the annual dividend by 10 yen to 70 yen per share (with an interim dividend of 35 yen and a year-end dividend of 35 yen).

Previous fiscal

Fiscal year under


















(Yen per share)

Next fiscal year











Matters concerning year-end dividends

Type of dividends


Matters concerning allocation of dividends to shareholders and the aggregate amount Dividends of 31 yen per share of common stock of the Company

The aggregate amount: 14,692,082,247 yen

The effective date of the appropriation of retained earnings June 28, 2024

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Basic Policy on Dividends

Doubling the dividend two years ahead of the previous schedule

The Company's basic policy of profit distribution is to ensure prioritization of investment in leasing office assets in order to enhance the long-term earnings base and to strive for "sustainable dividend increase" in line with profit growth.

We position stable income from building leasing at the core of our revenue and do not rely on gains from selling assets, which are susceptible to market fluctuations. As described in "Proactive Revision of 'Management Strategy for Sustainable Growth'" released on May 9 of this year, the recovery and improvement trends in our leasing business are evident, putting us on the clear path to surpassing 300 billion yen in ordinary profit in the next medium-term management plan. In light of this situation, we intend to further boost shareholder returns and accelerate the pace of sustainable dividend increase from 7 yen to 10 yen per share, achieving 100 yen per share two years earlier than the target set forth last year - "doubling the dividend within 7 years to 100 yen per share."

(The dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 will be 60 yen, with an annual increase of 10 yen thereafter, reaching 100 yen for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2028.)

Even after surpassing 300 billion yen, we will continue to pursue appropriate and strong shareholder returns, taking into account our profit growth.

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Agenda 2. Election of One Director

Outside Director Yozo Izuhara will retire upon the conclusion of this meeting, and the Company proposes the election of one director to fill this vacancy.

The candidate for director is as follows.


Career summary, position and responsibility in the Company, and significant

Number of the

Company's shares

(Date of birth)

concurrent positions outside the Company


Apr. 1984

Joined Ministry of Construction

Aug. 2013

Assistant Vice-Minister (in charge of Road Bureau),

Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Land,

Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Apr. 2014

Assistant Vice-Minister (in charge of City Bureau),

Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Land,

Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

July 2017

Director General, Land and Construction Industry

Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport


and Tourism

July 2018

Director General, Secretariat for Promotion of

Regional Revitalization, Cabinet Office

Hakaru Tamura

July 2019

Retired from Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,

(August 4, 1960)

Transport and Tourism

New election

July 2020

Adviser (part-time) of the Company (present)

(Significant concurrent positions outside the Company)




Reasons for nomination as a candidate for outside director and expected roles


Mr. Hakaru Tamura has served as Director General of the Land and Construction Industry Bureau

of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and as Director General of

Secretariat for Promotion of Regional Revitalization of the Cabinet Office. Although he has no

experience of being directly involved in corporate management, he has extensive experience

relating to administrative and organizational management as well as a wealth of knowledge and

wide discernment regarding real estate and construction administration. In addition, as a part-time

advisor of the Company, he has provided pertinent advice regarding compliance matters related to

the construction industry. The Company deems him to be suitable as an outside director, and

therefore proposes his election.

The Company expects Mr. Hakaru Tamura to provide insight and discernment regarding the

construction industry, and through decision-making of the Board of Directors, to also provide

supervision of the Group's management and advice aiming at improving corporate value over the

medium- to long-term from an independent standpoint.

Notes: 1. Mr. Hakaru Tamura is a candidate for outside director.

  1. There is no special conflict of interest between the candidate and the Company.
  2. The Company has registered Mr. Hakaru Tamura as an independent officer with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
  3. If Mr. Hakaru Tamura's election is approved, the Company will enter into a limited liability agreement with him in accordance with laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation. Under the agreement, his liability is limited to the minimum limit stipulated by laws and regulations.
  4. The Company has concluded a director and officer liability insurance policy with an insurance company, whereby insured persons will be compensated for any legal damages and litigation costs incurred under the policy. If Mr. Hakaru Tamura's election is approved, he will be included as an insured person under the insurance policy. In addition, we plan to renew the policy upon the next renewal with the same terms and conditions.

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(Reference) Members of Directors, Corporate Auditors (after approval and adoption of this agenda)

If Agenda 2 is approved as originally proposed, the members of directors and corporate auditors will be as follows.


Position in the Company




Kenichi Onodera

Director - Chairman of the Board



Kojun Nishima

Representative Director - President



Masato Kobayashi

Representative Director - Deputy




Yoshiyuki Odai

Representative Director - Deputy




Hiroshi Kato

Director - Senior Managing Executive




Hisatoshi Katayama

Director - Senior Managing Executive




Nobumasa Kemori

Outside Director





Chiyono Terada

Outside Director





Hakaru Tamura

Outside Director






Yoshifumi Nakamura

Full-time Corporate Auditor



Toshikazu Tanaka

Full-time Corporate Auditor



Takashi Sakai

Outside Corporate Auditor





Naoko Hasegawa

Outside Corporate Auditor




Independent: Independent officer registered with the Tokyo Stock Exchange

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(Reference) Policies for Appointment of Officers

  • Basic Policy

Regarding nomination of candidates for directors and corporate auditors, and the appointment of executive officers, persons with a wealth of experience, high-level insight and sophisticated expertise who will contribute to the Company's sustainable growth and medium- to long-term enhancement of corporate value are narrowed down to candidates through multiple meetings of the Executive Committee. The final decision is then made by the Board of Directors based on thorough deliberation, reflecting independent and objective opinions of independent outside directors and outside corporate auditors. Independent outside directors and outside corporate auditors have sufficient opportunities to know relevant information such as the background, insights and achievements of internal directors, executive officers and internal corporate auditors at several occasions including meetings of the Committee of Outside Directors and Auditors, briefings for outside directors, and meetings of the Board of Corporate Auditors.

  • Compliance with the Independence Criteria of Outside Directors and Outside Corporate Auditors and Reasons for Appointment Thereof

Regarding appointment of outside directors and outside corporate auditors, the Company has adopted the requirements for outside directors and outside corporate auditors prescribed in the Companies Act and the independence criteria set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.



Supplementary Explanation of the Relationship

Reasons of Appointment

Nobumasa Kemori

Mr. Kemori served as Director, Chairman of

Mr. Kemori had served as President and

the Company's business partner Sumitomo

Chairman of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co.,

Metal Mining Co., Ltd. until June 2017.

Ltd., and he has extensive knowledge of the

However, since the transaction amount between

mining industry from a long-term perspective

said company and the Company in the most

and overseas business as a manager. The

recent fiscal year was small, accounting for less

Company deems him to be suitable as an

than 1% of sales for both companies, the

outside director.

Company deems there is no impact on


Chiyono Terada

Ms. Terada served as President and CEO of the

Ms. Terada founded Art Hikkoshi Center and

Company's business partner Art Moving

had served as its President and Chairperson,

Company Co., Ltd. until December 2019.

etc., and she has extensive knowledge and wide

However, since the transaction amount between

discernment as a manager. The Company

said company and the Company in the most

deems her to be suitable as an outside director.

recent fiscal year was small, accounting for less

than 1% of sales for both companies, the

Company deems there is no impact on


Hakaru Tamura

Mr. Tamura has provided advice to the

Mr. Tamura has served as Director General of

Company regarding compliance matters related

the Land and Construction Industry Bureau of

to the construction industry from an

the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport

independent standpoint as a part-time advisor,

and Tourism, and as Director General of

and the Company deems him to be suitable as

Secretariat for Promotion of Regional

an independent officer.

Revitalization of the Cabinet Office, and he has

extensive experience relating to administrative

and organizational management as well as a

wealth of knowledge and wide discernment

regarding real estate and construction

administration. In addition, as a part-time

advisor of the Company, he has provided

pertinent advice regarding compliance matters

related to the construction industry, and the

Company deems him to be suitable as an

outside director.

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Supplementary Explanation of the Relationship

Reasons of Appointment

Takashi Sakai

Mr. Sakai served as Representative Director,

Mr. Sakai has served as Executive Vice-

Executive Vice-President of the Company's

President of Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. and President

business partner Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. until

of Honshu-Shikoku Bridge Expressway

March 2013. However, since the transaction

Company Limited, and he has extensive

amount between said company and the

knowledge and wide discernment as a manager.

Company in the most recent fiscal year was

The Company deems him to be suitable as an

small, accounting for less than 1% of sales for

outside corporate auditor.

both companies, the Company deems there is

no impact on independence.

Naoko Hasegawa

Ms. Hasegawa worked for the Company's

Ms. Hasegawa has served as Executive Officer

subsidiary Sumitomo Fudosan Fitness Co., Ltd.

and Chief Business Ethics Officer of The

(currently Sumitomo Fudosan Esforta Co.,

Prudential Life Insurance Company, Ltd. and

Ltd.) from April 1987 to October 2002.

she has extensive experience and wide

However, since more than 20 years have passed

discernment in corporate management and

since she resigned from said company and she

corporate ethics. The Company deems her to be

has not been involved in execution of business

suitable as an outside corporate auditor.

of said company after her resignation, the

Company deems there is no impact on


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  • Skill Matrix (Abilities Expected of Each Director)








Planning and





Kenichi Onodera

Kojun Nishima

Masato Kobayashi

Yoshiyuki Odai

Hiroshi Kato

Hisatoshi Katayama

Nobumasa Kemori

Chiyono Terada

Hakaru Tamura

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Agenda 3. Election of One Substitute Corporate Auditor

The Company requests approval for the election of one substitute corporate auditor, to provide for the case where the number of incumbent auditors becomes less than the number stipulated in laws and regulations, which require majority is comprised of outside corporate auditors. The board of corporate auditors has consented to this agenda.

Candidate for substitute corporate auditor:


Career summary, position in the Company, and significant concurrent

Number of the

Company's shares

(Date of birth)

positions outside the Company


Dec. 1975

Passed the Certified Public Tax Accountant


Apr. 1976

Registered with the Tokyo Certified Public Tax

Accountants' Association


Setsuya Nakamura

Established the Setsuya Nakamura Certified Public

(April 29, 1944)

Tax Accounting Office, Representative (present)


Apr. 2011

Registered as a political funding auditor

Reasons for nomination as candidate for substitute outside corporate auditor


Mr. Setsuya Nakamura has expertise, rich experience and wide discernment as a certified tax

accountant. The Company deems him to be suitable as a substitute outside corporate auditor, and

therefore proposes his election. Note that though he does not have direct experience in corporate

management, the Company deems that he will be able to appropriately fulfill his duties if he

assumes office as an outside corporate auditor due to the reasons listed above.

Notes: 1. Mr. Setsuya Nakamura is a candidate for substitute outside corporate auditor.

  1. There is no special conflict of interest between the candidate and the Company.
  2. If this agenda is approved and Mr. Setsuya Nakamura assumes office as an outside corporate auditor, the Company will register him as an independent officer with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
  3. If this agenda is approved and Mr. Setsuya Nakamura assumes office as an outside corporate auditor, the Company will enter into a limited liability agreement with him in accordance with laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation. Under the agreement, his liability is limited to the minimum limit stipulated by laws and regulations.
  4. The Company has concluded a director and officer liability insurance policy with an insurance company, whereby insured persons will be compensated for any legal damages and litigation costs incurred under the policy. If this agenda is approved and Mr. Setsuya Nakamura assumes office as an outside corporate auditor, he will be included as an insured person under the insurance policy.

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Sumitomo Realty & Development Co. Ltd. published this content on 28 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 May 2024 15:11:05 UTC.