Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp. announce the interim drilling results from Phase 1 of the 2024 exploration program at Agate, where the company hit mineralization in 57 of 60 holes drilled. Drill hole AG-151-24 intercepted 11 feet of 0.079% eU3O8 from 95-106 feet deep, extending the mineralized front discovered in 2023 westward by 600 feet. This northern front now exceeds 1,800 feet in length. Strathmore has also discovered a new area of shallow mineralization, one mile south of the northern trend, in the overlying Middle "A" sand, including holes AG-143-24 (14 feet of 0.046% eU3O8 from 30.5-44.5 feet) and AG-147-24 (15.5 feet of 0.051% eU3O8 from 29-44.5 feet). Phase 1 of the 2024 drilling explored the Eocene Wind River Formation, an arkosic-rich sandstone which is noted for its high porosity and permeability, and high groundwater transmissivity. In addition to continued exploration of the Lower "A" sand, the recent drilling has discovered mineralization within the Middle "A" sand (not mineralized in 2023 drill holes), which is thicker than the underlying Lower "A" sand and historically produced most of the uranium in the Shirley Basin district. Additional drilling is planned during Phase 1 to extend the northern front laterally and to build upon the successful discovery of mineralization in the Middle "A" sand. The intercepts shown are at minimum thickness and grade cutoffs of 2 feet and 0.02% eU3O8, and
reported at a 0.2 GT (grade times thickness). The geophysical results are based on equivalent uranium (eU3O8) of the gamma-ray probes calibrated at the Department of Energy's Test Facility in Casper, Wyoming. A geophysical tool with gamma-ray, spontaneous potential, resistivity, and drift detectors was utilized. The reader is cautioned that the reported uranium grades may not reflect actual concentrations due to the potential for disequilibrium between uranium and its gamma emitting daughter products.