UMINING Resources Inc. announced new partnership with content and rights owner FANEX Inc. UMNG has signed an agreement with the Canadian company FANEX, representing music, filmmakers and music companies in Cuba, Argentina and Brazil. The result of this agreement has been evident on the GITA website with an increase in multimedia content. The company expects the content to greatly increase every week as more contracts are being signed by FANEX.

The agreement between UMNG and FANEX is a revenue sharing model. The agreement is valid for 5 years. No upfront money deposits for the content is required by FANEX.

UMNG will pay for the content as the content is sold on the website. This will help UMNG with its cash flow and will allow for a significant increase of content moving forward. The company will be acquiring more rights of works in the Spanish language through its new agreement.

FANEX is experienced in the Latin American Market and has developed a presence.