Blue Water Ventures International Inc. announced the launch of its internationally branded line of jewelry with Canada’s SponsorsOne Inc. and their U.S. subsidiary, Sponsors One Media Inc. This relationship with SPO will allow BWVI to connect directly with new consumers through entertainment and social media influencers. The company's unique line of jewelry includes all types of treasure that Blue Water has recovered and acquired from dive projects throughout the US and Caribbean waters. The artifacts themselves range in age from 300 to 500 years old. The company's partnership with Bradford James Designs’ creative team has resulted in beautiful, one-of-a-kind bracelets and necklaces using centuries old trade beads and incorporating silver and gold from company's recoveries. These are the first lines of jewelry to be offered for sale with new designs in production and set for release during 2019. The partners of by Bradford James are thrilled with SponsorsOne Media joining the BWVI team to head up marketing of these rare treasures. Their group of professionals easily collaborated with company's team, making the setup of the ecommerce platform quick, easy and well-focused. With the participation of SponsorsOne, Bradford James will now be able to fully focus on expansion of the product line and servicing of company's clients.