This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between the translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. SoftBank Group Corp. assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

Notice of the 44th Annual

General Meeting of Shareholders

Date and Time:

10 a.m. JST, June 21, 2024

Doors open at 9 a.m.


Tokyo Garden Theater

1-6, Ariake 2-chome,Koto-ku, Tokyo

(Please refer to the map at the end of this document for the location of the venue for the

General Meeting of Shareholders, which has changed from the previous meeting.)


Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

Proposal 2: Election of Nine Board Directors

Table of Contents

    • Notice of the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    • Reference Materials for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
    • Business Report
    • Consolidated Financial Statements
    • Non-consolidatedFinancial Statements
    • Audit Reports
  • Notice on the Web>

The main content of this Notice can be viewed easily on your computer or smartphone.

SoftBank Group Corp.

Stock code: 9984

Corporate Philosophy and Vision


Information Revolution - Happiness for everyone


Since its founding, the SoftBank Group has always remained true to its goal of accelerating the Information Revolution to make the world a happier place.

Just what is happiness?

Some might say happiness is to love and be loved in return, or to make the most of each day. Others might derive happiness from self-expression. Still, others might find happiness in something as simple as a smile. Above all, the SoftBank Group equates happiness with inspiration. Through our business, we strive to bring emotional meaning and happiness to lives. In everything we do, we aim to drive the Information Revolution and build a more connected, empowered, and joyful world. This unchanging kokorozashi (mission) is encapsulated in our philosophy, Information Revolution - Happiness for everyone.

Humankind stands on the cusp of the digital Big Bang. Computing performance is increasing dramatically, and we are getting ever closer to an age of super-intelligent machines that will surpass human ability. Our mission is to harness the raw, unlimited power of the Information Revolution and channel it in a direction that makes people happier. This aspiration will continue to drive our organization toward further growth for many years to come.


To become a corporate group that

powers the world's most essential technologies

To achieve our vision, we aim to build a more connected, empowered and joyful world by accelerating human progress through technology. We remain focused on advancing AI and driving the Information Revolution by investing in the world's most essential technologies and innovative business models.

The SoftBank Group's aim

- 1 -

I am pleased to notify you of the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

In FY2023, stock markets boomed, particularly in the U.S., backed by the expansion of the AI semiconductor industry and reflecting the full-scale spread of artificial intelligence ("AI"). In this context, Arm Holdings plc ("Arm"), a subsidiary of SoftBank Group Corp. ("SBG" or the "Company"), was listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market on September 14, 2023. As a result of the brisk market and the increase in Arm's share price, NAV*1, one of our most important performance metrics, recovered to a record high of ¥27.8 trillion as of March 31, 2024 (a ¥13.7 trillion increase from the previous fiscal year-end). In addition, we were able to bolster our financial security, with LTV*2 improving to 8.5% (a 2.5 percentage point change from the previous fiscal year- end) and liquidity*3 to ¥4.6 trillion (sufficient to cover bond redemptions for the next four years).

As for financial results, we recorded a consolidated net loss*4 of ¥227.6 billion. The Investment Business of Holding Companies segment recorded a loss on investments of ¥459.0 billion, while the SoftBank Vision Funds segment recorded an investment loss of ¥167.3 billion as well as a foreign exchange loss of ¥703.1 billion due to the continued depreciation of the yen throughout FY2023, similar to the previous fiscal year.

The Group is working to further improve NAV and pursue our corporate philosophy, "Information Revolution - Happiness for everyone." In FY2024, SBG will seek investment opportunities that will lead to NAV growth while adhering to its financial policy, and carry out initiatives geared toward the arrival of artificial general intelligence ("AGI"). I would like to ask all shareholders for their support.

May 29, 2024

(Notes) 1. Net Asset Value = equity value of holdings - adjusted interest-bearing debt

  1. Loan-to-Valueis the ratio of liabilities to holding assets, which is calculated as adjusted net interest- bearing debt divided by equity value of holdings. The equity value of holdings and adjusted net interest- bearing debt each exclude amounts to be settled at maturity or borrowings that are part of asset-backed finance. Additionally, the calculation of adjusted net interest-bearing debt excludes, from SBG's consolidated figures, interest-bearing debt and cash and cash equivalents, etc. (including investments in bonds) attributable to entities managed on a self-financing basis, such as the listed subsidiaries SoftBank Corp. (including its subsidiaries such as LY Corporation and PayPay Corporation) and Arm, as well as SoftBank Vision Fund L.P., SoftBank Vision Fund II-2 L.P., and SBLA Latin America Fund LLC. Conversely, the calculation includes interest-bearing debt (with certain specified debts excluded) and cash and cash equivalents, etc. (including investments in bonds) attributable to SB Northstar LP.
  2. Cash and cash equivalents + short-term investments recorded as current assets + bond investments + undrawn commitment lines. SBG stand-alone basis (excludes SB Northstar LP but includes its cash and cash equivalents and bond investments)
  3. Net loss attributable to owners of the parent
    • 2 -

June 6, 2024 (Provision in electronic format starts on: May 29, 2024)

Notice of the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

In convening this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company has taken measures for provision in electronic format and has posted the matters to be provided electronically on the website.

SBG website

In addition to the above, the information is also posted on the following website. Tokyo Stock Exchange website (Listed Company Search)

On the Tokyo Stock Exchange website, enter our issue name "SoftBank Group" or code "9984," click "Search," and then go to "Basic information" and select "Documents for public inspection/PR information" to review the information.

Date and time: 10 a.m. JST, June 21, 2024

Tokyo Garden Theater


1-6, Ariake 2-chome,Koto-ku, Tokyo

(Please refer to the map at the end of this document for the location of the venue for the

General Meeting of Shareholders, which has changed from the previous meeting.)

Agenda of the

Matters for Business Report, Consolidated Financial Statements for FY2023 (April



1, 2023 to March 31, 2024) and results of audits by the Independent

Auditor and Audit & Supervisory Board of Consolidated Financial


  • Non-consolidatedFinancial Statements for FY2023 (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024)

Matters for

Proposal 1:

Appropriation of Surplus


Proposal 2:

Election of Nine Board Directors

SBG will post any revisions made to the matters provided electronically on the above websites.

The following matters are not stated in the written documents delivered to shareholders who have requested it, pursuant to laws and regulations and Article 14 of the Articles of Incorporation of SBG. Therefore, this document is a part of the documents audited by the Audit & Supervisory Board Members and the Independent Auditor in preparing their audit reports.

"Status of SoftBank Group Corp., Overview of system to ensure appropriateness of the operations and its implementation status" in the Business Report "Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity" and "Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements" in the Consolidated Financial Statements

"Non-consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity" and "Notes to Non-consolidated Financial Statements" in the Non-consolidated Financial Statements

In addition to the matters stipulated by laws and regulations, Reference Materials for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be sent to shareholders who have not requested the delivery of written documents.

- 3 -

Live Streaming Information

The 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be available for viewing through our website.

Please view the live stream by accessing the "The 44th Annual General

How to view:

Meeting of Shareholders" page of SBG's website.

Date and time

From 10 a.m. JST, June 21, 2024

of streaming:

Viewing the Meeting after the conclusion of

the live stream

  • If for any reason live streaming service cannot be provided, a notice will be given on the "The 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders" page.

The Meeting will be available on video on demand through SBG's website.

*On-demand video of the Business Report will be available only for one year from June 21, 2024.

Questions regarding the Agenda of the Meeting through the Internet

Questions from shareholders regarding the Agenda of the Meeting are accepted via the Internet. Please see the enclosed leaflet for details.

Notice on the Web

The main content of this Notice can be also viewed on your computer or smartphone.

Please access the website below or use the QR

How to view:code to view the Notice.

- 4 -

Voting rights are important rights that enable our shareholders to participate in the management of SBG. Voting rights can be exercised as shown below. Please refer to the Reference Materials for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders posted on the matters provided electronically and exercise your right to vote.

If you are exercising your voting rights by mail

Please return the enclosed voting form upon clearly indicating your approval or disapproval of each proposal. If there is no indication of your vote on the voting form, all proposals will be treated as approved.

Request to mail ahead of time

There are many voting forms arriving after the deadline for exercising voting rights. Mailing of your voting form ahead of time is appreciated.

Deadline for exercising voting rights:

Received by 5:45 p.m. JST, Thursday, June 20, 2024

If you are attending the Meeting in person

Please bring the enclosed voting form and submit it to the reception desk at the Meeting. Please also bring this document with you as a reference for the proceedings.

Date and time of the Meeting:

From 10:00 a.m. JST, Friday, June 21, 2024

Please refer to the following page on "how to fill out the voting form."

If you are exercising your voting rights through the Internet

Please access SBG's designated website for voting, follow the instructions on the screen and enter your approval or disapproval of the proposals.

Deadline for exercising voting rights:

5:45 p.m. JST, Thursday, June 20, 2024

How to read the QR code:

How to enter the login ID and password:

You can login to the website for voting without entering the login ID and password.

  1. Please read the QR code printed on the lower right of the voting form using a smartphone.
  2. Please follow the instructions on the screen and enter your approval or disapproval of the proposals.

Website for voting

  1. Please access the website for voting above from a PC or smartphone.
  2. Please enter the login ID and temporary password printed on the voting form, and click "Login."
  3. Please follow the instructions on the screen and enter your approval or disapproval of the proposals.

- 5 -

How to fill out the voting form

Please indicate your approval or disapproval of the proposals in the form.

Proposal 1

If you approve

Circle "Approve"

If you disapprove

Circle "Disapprove"

Proposal 2

If you approve of all candidates

Circle "Approve"

If you disapprove of all candidates

Circle "Disapprove"

If you wish to indicate approval or disapproval for certain candidates

  • Circle "Approve" or "Disapprove," and indicate their candidate number.

Frequently asked questions regarding advance exercise of voting rights







If I exercise my voting rights twice by returning the voting form and through the Internet, etc., which one will be effective?

SBG will treat the exercise of your voting right through the Internet, etc. as effective.

If I exercise my voting rights more than once through the Internet, etc., will they all be effective?

If you exercise your voting rights more than once, the last exercise of your voting rights shall be deemed to be effective.

If I have approved receipt of a notice of convocation by electromagnetic means, how can I request a voting form or other documents?

SBG does not issue a voting form or other documents to those shareholders who have approved the receipt of a notice of convocation by electromagnetic means unless requested to do so by those shareholders. Please ask the Helpdesk as shown below.

Electronic Voting Platform

Nominee shareholders such as managing trust banks and others (including standing proxies) will be able to use the electronic voting platform as a method to electronically exercise voting rights at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of SBG in addition to the method to exercise voting rights through the Internet stated in the above, if the shareholders have applied in advance for the use of the electronic voting platform operated by a joint venture established by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. and other parties.

Method for receiving a notice of convocation

If you wish to receive a notice of convocation by e-mail, please follow the procedure on the voting website on your PC or other devices.

For inquiries regarding the system, please contact:


(Corporate Agency Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation)

Phone: 0120-173-027 (Toll free)

(Business hours: 9:00-21:00)

- 6 -

Proposal 1: Appropriation of Surplus

The fundamental policy of SBG is to focus on investing actively for sustained growth as well as returning profits to shareholders, while maintaining a sound financial status. Under this policy, SBG, in principle, is to provide dividends twice a year, an interim dividend and a year-enddividend. Accordingly, the year-enddividend for FY2023 is proposed as indicated below.

As an interim dividend of ¥22.00 per share has been distributed, the total dividend payout for this fiscal year will be ¥44.00 per share.


Type of dividend property:


Matter concerning allotment of dividend property to shareholders and


its total amount:

¥22.00 per common share of SoftBank Group Corp., for a total of



Effective date of dividend of surplus:

June 24, 2024

- 7 -

Proposal 2: Election of Nine Board Directors

The terms of office of the present nine (9) Board Directors will expire at the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. It is proposed that nine (9) Board Directors be elected.

Board Director nominees are as follows:



Current position at SBG



Masayoshi Son

Representative Director,


Corporate Officer,

Chairman & CEO


Yoshimitsu Goto

Board Director, Corporate


Officer, Senior Vice President



Ken Miyauchi

Board Director



Rene Haas

Board Director




Masami Iijima





Board Director




Yutaka Matsuo





Board Director




Keiko Erikawa





Board Director



Kenneth A. Siegel


Board Director






David Chao





Board Director


- 8 -

Candidate No. 1

Masayoshi Son

(Date of birth: August 11, 1957, 66 years old)


Biography, titles, responsibilities and significant concurrent positions

Sep. 1981

Founded SBG, Chairman & CEO

Jan. 1996

President & CEO, Yahoo Japan Corporation (currently LY Corporation)

Oct. 2005

Director, Corporation (currently Alibaba Group Holding Limited)

Number of shares held

Apr. 2006

Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, Vodafone K.K. (currently SoftBank Corp.)

in SBG

Jun. 2015

Director, Yahoo Japan Corporation (currently LY Corporation)


Sep. 2016

Chairman and Executive Director, ARM Holdings plc

Jun. 2017

Chairman & CEO, SBG

Nov. 2020

Representative Director, Corporate Officer, Chairman & CEO, SBG (to present)

Apr. 2021

Board Director, Founder, SoftBank Corp. (to present)

Aug. 2023

Chairman and Director, Arm Holdings plc (to present)

Reason for nomination

Since SBG's founding to date, Mr. Masayoshi Son has been at the helm of the Group's management for years, achieving remarkable growth for the Group through advancement into the Internet, telecommunications and AI businesses, investment in the world's largest e-commerce company Alibaba Group Holding Limited, acquisition of UK-based ARM Holdings plc and founding SoftBank Vision Fund, among other efforts. Based on the above, the Board would like to elect Mr. Son as a Board Director nominee for the further growth of the Group.

Candidate No. 2

Yoshimitsu Goto (Date of birth: February 15, 1963, 61 years old)


Biography, titles, responsibilities and significant concurrent positions

Apr. 1987

Joined The Yasuda Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (currently Mizuho Trust & Banking Co.,


Jun. 2000

Joined SBG

Number of shares held

Oct. 2000

Head of Finance Department, SBG

in SBG

Apr. 2006

Director, Vodafone K.K. (currently SoftBank Corp.)

378,600 shares Jul. 2012

Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, SBG

Oct. 2013

President & CEO and acting owner, Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp. (to present)

Jun. 2014

Board Director, SBG

Jun. 2015

Senior Vice President, SBG

Jun. 2017

Senior Vice President, SBG

Apr. 2018

Senior Vice President & CFO & CISO, SBG

Jun. 2020

Board Director, Senior Vice President, CFO, CISO & CSusO, SBG

Nov. 2020

Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, CFO, CISO & CSusO, SBG

Jun. 2022

Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO & CISO, SBG (to


Reason for nomination

At SBG, Mr. Yoshimitsu Goto has held important positions in finance departments including Senior Vice President and Head of Finance Department and Senior Vice President & CFO & CISO, serving a vital role in financing for investment and business management of SBG. Also, having served in various positions including Director of SoftBank Corp. and President & CEO and acting owner of Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp., he has extensive knowledge and experience related to finance and business management.

Based on the above, the Board would like to elect Mr. Goto as a Board Director nominee for the further growth of the Group.

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SoftBank Group Corporation published this content on 30 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2024 00:22:02 UTC.