Smoltek Nanotech Holding AB announced its strategic objectives for the semiconductor business area, focusing on their CNF-MIM technology, which offers a competitive alternative to silicon capacitors for high-performance, ultra-thin capacitors used in processors for mobile phones and computers. The company plans to complete its next-generation capacitors (Gen-One) in 2024, matching competitors in performance with an exceptionally thin form factor. Smoltek has made significant progress in both technical development and creating an industrial process for high-volume production of the company's capacitor technology, CNF-MIM.

Now, Smoltek is seeking financially strong partners through a bidding process, expected to take 6-12 months, aiming to bring their technology to market and support continued technological development and new collaborations. Smoltek's capacitor technology is an important hardware component to meet the high demands of the technology development within AI, 5G/6G and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). The market requires a new generation of capacitors that are extremely thin with high capacitance density, which can be placed close to the active power source or processor chip to meet performance and functionality requirements.

With the continued development of semiconductor manufacturers and the increasing need for smaller and more efficient components, the market for extremely thin capacitors is expected to expand in the coming years, confirmed by industry-specific entities. Currently, the leading capacitor technology that meets market demands is not commercially available, as it was developed exclusively in a partnership between Apple and TSMC. This creates opportunities for other players, such as Smoltek.

In April 2024, Smoltek announced that its CNF-MIM capacitors (Gen-One) are expected to be commercially competitive with the leading technology. Gen-One capacitors, based on Smoltek's nanotechnology-based CNF-MIM platform, will provide a foundation for future manufacturing of ultra-thin capacitors with high capacitance density.