The Board of Directors (the "Directors") of Skywest refers to the announcement made by the Company on 26 February 2013 in relation to the despatch of the Scheme Document and the enclosed notice of a meeting (the "Scheme Meeting") of the Skywest shareholders (the "Shareholders") convened by the High Court of Singapore (the "Court") for the purpose of seeking Shareholders' approval of the proposed acquisition by Virgin Australia Holdings Limited ("Virgin Australia") of all the issued ordinary shares in the capital of the Company ("Shares"), to be undertaken through Virgin Australia's wholly-owned subsidiary, VAH Newco No. 2 Pty Ltd by way of a scheme of arrangement under Section 210 of the Companies Act (Chapter 50 of Singapore) and in accordance with the Singapore Code on Take-overs and Mergers (the "Scheme").
Unless otherwise defined, terms defined in the Scheme Document but not defined herein shall have the same meanings when used herein.

Results of the Scheme Meeting

The Directors are pleased to announce that at the Scheme Meeting held on 13 March 2013, a total of
143,332,857 Shares (or 99.89% of the total Shares voted), held by a total number of 159
Shareholders (or 94.08% of the total number of Shareholders present and voting), were voted in favour of the resolution to approve the Scheme (without modification).
Accordingly, the Shareholders have, by the requisite majority, voted in favour of the Scheme.
Subject to the conditions and approvals to the Scheme as set out in paragraph 7.1 of the Explanatory Statement in the Scheme Document still remaining being satisfied or waived, as the case may be, including the Scheme being sanctioned by the Court and a copy of the order of the Court (the "Court Order") being lodged with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore ("ACRA"), the Scheme shall become effective upon the lodgement of a copy of the Court Order with ACRA.
An application will be made to the Court for the Court's sanction of the Scheme. The Company will advise Shareholders on the date of the Court hearing by way of a separate announcement.

--ENDS-- Enquiries: Skywest Airlines Ltd

Jeff Chatfield, Executive Chairman +65 97354151

Nominated Adviser

James Joyce, W H Ireland Limited 0207 220 1666

Company Stockbroker

W H Ireland Limited 0207 220 1670

Financial Public Relations

Bishopsgate Communications 0207 562 3350
Nick Rome

The Skywest Directors (including any who may have delegated detailed supervision of this Announcement) have taken all reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated and all the opinions expressed in this Announcement are fair and accurate and that no material facts have been omitted from this Announcement, the omission of which would make any statement in this Announcement misleading, and the Skywest Directors jointly and severally accept full responsibility accordingly.

Where any information has been extracted or reproduced from published or otherwise publicly available sources, the sole responsibility of the Skywest Directors has been to ensure through reasonable enquiries that such information is correctly extracted from such sources or, as the case may be, reflected or reproduced in this Announcement.


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