The Board of Directors (the "Board") of Sinostar PEC Holdings Limited announce that: The retirement of Mr. Zhao Jinqing as Independent Director, Chairman of Nominating Committee, member of Nominating Committee and member of Audit Committee with effective from 24 April 2024. Mr. Liu Xiaoyan will be appointed as Chairman of Nominating Committee, member of Nominating Committee and member of Audit Committee with effective from 24 April 2024. Following the above retirement and appointment, the details of the latest composition of the Board Committees of the Company are as follows: Board of Directors: Li Xiangping, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer; Yan Tailing, Executive Director and Deputy Chief Executive Officer; Li Zhi, Non-Executive Director; Chen Seow Phun, John, Lead Independent Non-Executive Director; Jiang Xinglu, Independent Non-Executive Director; Liu Xiaoyan, Independent Non-Executive Director.

Audit Committee: Jiang Xinglu, Chairman, Chen Seow Phun, John, Member, Liu Xiaoyan, Member. Nominating Committee: Liu Xiaoyan, Chairman, Chen Seow Phun, John, Member, Jiang Xinglu, Member. Remuneration Committee: Chen Seow Phun, John, Chairman, Liu Xiaoyan, Member, Jiang Xinglu, Member.

Risk and Investment Committee: Li Zhi, Chairman, Li Xiangping, Member, Yan Tailing, Member.