The board of directors of Sino Harbour Holdings Group Limited announced that with effect from 1 August 2018, Ms. Zhang Juan will resign as an independent non-executive director of the company and cease to be a member of each of the nomination committee, the remuneration committee and the audit committee of the Board. The Board also announced that with effect from 1 August 2018, Mr. Dingding He will be appointed as an Independent Non- Executive Director and a member of each of the Nomination Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee; Mr. Chan Chun Kit will resign as the Company Secretary, the Group Financial Controller, an Authorized Representative; Mr. Lau Ka Ho Billy will be appointed as the Group Financial Controller; and Mr. Kwok Siu Man will be appointed as the Company Secretary, an authorized representative under the Listing Rules and the Authorized Representative under the HKCO.