Singamas Container Holdings Limited provided consolidated earnings guidance for the six months ending June 30, 2016. The board of directors of the company announced that, based on preliminary assessment of the unaudited consolidated management accounts of the Group and information currently available to the Board, the Group is currently expected to report a loss of at least $25,000,000 for the six months ending June 30, 2016, compare to the consolidated net profit of $10,079,000 attributable to owners of the company for the same period last year, or the consolidated net loss of $2,723,000 attributable to owners of the company for the year ended December 31, 2015. The expected significant loss for the six months ending June 30, 2016 is primarily attributable to the decline in the Group’s turnover and gross profit margin due to the continuing downturn of the macro economy from second half of 2015 into 2016 as well as further compensation made in connection with the Tianjin explosion incident due to commercial considerations.