Sims Metal Management Limited announced that Tobin Pospisil has joined the Company as President of Sims Metal Management North American Metals - Central Region, covering the Midwestern, Southern and Southwestern United States. The move now completes the restructuring of the Company's North American Metals business into three separate regions reporting to Group CEO Galdino Claro. Mr. Pospisil joins Joe Payesko, President of the East Region and Steve Shinn, President of the West Region as part of the North America Metals leadership team.

Prior to joining the Company, Mr. Pospisil served as President of the Gallatin Steel Company, a flat products mini-mill joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Gerdau. He joined Gallatin as General Manager in October 2003 and was named President in March 2009. Prior to this, Mr. Pospisil progressed through various management roles with GS Industries, a global specialty steel manufacturer, from November 1990 through October 2003.