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Date Announced









Intervener Application in the Judicial Review Application by Michael Chow Keat Thye

Announcement Details/Table Section :

Sime Darby Berhad (Sime Darby) wishes to announce that its subsidiary, Sime Darby Nominees Sendirian Berhad (SD Nominees) had, on 21 December 2011, been provided with a copy of the cause papers by solicitors for Michael Chow Keat Thye, the applicant named in an application for judicial review against the respondent, the Securities Commission of Malaysia. SD Nominees had, on 5 January 2012, filed an application to intervene in the judicial review proceedings on the grounds that it will be a party whose legal and commercial interest will be directly affected by the judicial review proceedings and should therefore be afforded the opportunity to be heard in such proceedings. A copy of SD Nominees' intervener application was served on the solicitors for the applicant and the respondent, respectively, on 5 January 2012.

Sime Darby will make further announcements on any material development on this matter from time to time.

This announcement is dated 6 January 2012.