PR Newswire/Les Echos/

French Société Anonyme with share capital of 69,268,392 euros
Registered office: 31, boulevard des Bouvets
572 045 151 RCS NANTERRE
NAF Code: 6820 B - Reg. no. 572 045 151 00063


                               3rd QUARTER 2010

SILIC's operating activity and earnings during the 3rd quarter continued at the
pace set in the first part of the year.

The dynamism of the commercial business was confirmed by the signing of new
leases for nearly 20,000 m2 (square metres), bringing the total over nine 
months up to 76,500 m2, compared with 30,200 m2 in the same period of last 

The company's financial indicators at 30 September are also showing growth:

   * Rental income amounted to 128.6m, versus 126.4m in the first nine months 
     of 2009. The entry into service and letting of a building at Orly-Rungis 
     (the "Miami"), the letting of 4 Place de Rio de Janeiro in Paris, and the 
     properties acquired in Nanterre-Préfecture in 2009/2010 more than offset 
     the effect of the decline in the ICC index in the 1st quarter. In all, 
     rental income was up 1.7%.
     In a still-difficult business climate, the economic operation of the
     property portfolio remained satisfactory: mean occupancy and rent per 
     square metre held at levels close to those at end-June, and loss 
     experience on the properties was virtually nil.
     The rise in EBITDA was appreciably equivalent to the rise in revenues
     thanks to tight control of property-related variable costs and overhead 
   * Cash flow was stable compared with the first nine of months of 2009
     excluding non-recurring items.(1)
Implementation of SILIC's development plan in the main office districts of
Greater Paris proceeded according to schedule in the 3rd quarter:

   * In Nanterre-Préfecture, 17,000 m2 of office space in the "Grand Axe 2"
     building were delivered to AXA in mid-September on a nine-year lease.

   * In late September, SILIC accepted delivery of the "Axe Seine" property in
     Nanterre Seine, comprising 25,000 m2 of office space currently in the 
     letting phase.

   * The other office buildings under construction (15,000 m2 in Orly-Rungis 
     and 23,000 m2 in Saint-Denis) are scheduled for delivery in the 2nd and 
     4th quarters of 2011, while the restructuring of the Fresnes office park 
     is on track to be completed as planned at the end of the 1st quarter of 

At 30 September, the company had cash and credit facilities of 1,551.6m against
net debt of 1,331.3m, leaving 220.3m of funds available for financing  
operations currently under way through to completion as well as new 

The results at 30 September serve to confirm the outlook for 2010 announced at
the beginning of this year: growth in rental income with stable recurring cash
flow compared with 2009. 

Nanterre, 22 October 2010.

(1) In the 1st half of 2009 SILIC realised a non-recurring gain of 1.9m on a
sale of interest-rate derivatives.
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