MONTREAL, QC, July 17, 2013 - Silanis Technology, a leader in enterprise electronic signature solutions with over 600 million documents processed annually, today announced the launch of version 9.5 of its cloud e-signing solution, e-SignLive™. This release sees the addition of Dutch, French and Spanish user interface forms and prompts to the existing English interface, allowing signers and senders to choose their preferred language. This means that the benefits of e-signing now extend to a broader audience, allowing all participants in the e-signing transaction to sign in their language of choice.

Thirty six countries electronically sign documents using e-SignLive alone. Today they are using predominantly English but we are seeing an accelerated adoption of e-SignLive in other countries. To respond to this demand Silanis has aggressive plans for adding new language support in the upcoming releases.

Other notable enhancements to this version of e-SignLive will allow users to:

  • Save time by capturing a hand-scripted signature once: When signing a document package or several document packages, senders and signers alike are now able to capture their signature image once and apply it to across all documents in the package.
  • Keep company branding in emails: Customers can configure email notifications sent from e-SignLive to originate from their domain, improving deliverability and ensuring users receiving the invitations recognize and trust the document package.
  • Access additional resources with expanded how-to documents library: Detailed instructions on frequently executed transactions and tasks when signing a document package are now available online.

As the cloud e-signature solution of choice for banks, insurers and government, e-SignLive is continually improving its offering for customers. As such, look for further product improvements in the coming months. To give cloud e-signatures a try, businesses and individuals can check out the e-SignLive free trial.

About Silanis

Silanis is the most widely used e-signature solution in the world, responsible for processing more than 600 million documents annually. Founded in 1992, Silanis' solutions e-Sign Enterprise and e-SignLive enable thousands of organizations, including four of the top 10 North American banks, eight of the top 15 insurance companies and the entire US Army to accelerate business transactions, improve customer experience and reduce costs while improving compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Silanis provides the most flexible deployment options with its on-premise, cloud and SaaS e-signature solutions, eliminating manual, paper-based processing and enabling e-commerce and e-government transactions to be electronically executed from start to finish.

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