Sika AG / Sika stabilizes sales development in second half-year processed and transmitted by Hugin AS. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

In business year 2009 Sika achieved net sales of approximately CHF 4.2 billion.
With an acquisition effect of 2.3%, sales in local currencies decreased by
3.9%. The currency effect amounted to -6.3%.

In local currencies, Sika grew in the Region IMEA (India, Middle East, Africa)
by 11.2% and in the Region Latin America by +8.0%. In the Region Asia/Pacific
sales remained nearly constant (-0.1%), though sales development varied from
country to country. While in emerging countries such as China or Indonesia Sika
achieved double-digit growth rates, sales in OECD nations (Japan, Australia, New
Zealand) dropped. Sales declined in the remaining Regions: Europe North -8.9%,
Europe South -4.0%, North America -7.7%. Due to the continued growth in emerging
countries, their proportion of sales overall rose from 32% in 2008 to 34% at

Sales of products for the construction industry, adjusted for currency effects,
fell in business year 2009 by 2.0%, including an acquisition effect of 2.9%.
Among products for industrial manufacturing (primarily for the vehicle
production industry) the decrease in sales amounted to 11.3%.

- END -

Sika AG
Zugerstrasse 50
CH-6341 Baar, Switzerland <>

Contact: Rainer Weihofen,
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel.: +41 58 436 68 00
Fax: +41 58 436 68 50 

Sika AG Corporate Profile
Sika AG, located in Baar, Switzerland, is a globally active company supplying
the specialty chemicals markets. It is a leader in processing materials used in
sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures in
construction (buildings and infrastructure construction) and in industry
(vehicle, building component and equipment production).
Sika's product lines feature high-quality concrete admixtures, specialty
mortars, sealants and adhesives, damping and reinforcing materials, structural
strengthening systems, industrial flooring as well as roofing and waterproofing
systems. Subsidiaries in more than 70 countries worldwide and approximately
12 000 employees link customers directly to Sika and guarantee the success of
all of its business relationships. With this business structure Sika generates
annual sales of CHF 4.2 billion. Visit our website at

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 --- End of Message --- 

Sika AG
Zugerstrasse 50 Baar null

WKN: 858573;ISIN: CH0000587979;

    Media Release: