Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited (SET:SPORT) agreed to acquire 99.99% stake in Siam Print Co., Ltd. from Kilen Printing Co., Ltd. for approximately THB 130 million on December 28, 2017. Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited will acquire 0.7 million shares of Siam Print Co., Ltd. in cash. Prior to the transaction, Kilen Printing Co., Ltd. held 99.99% stake and Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited held no stake in Siam Print Co., Ltd. After the transaction, Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited will hold 99.99% stake and Kilen Printing Co., Ltd. will hold no stake in Siam Print Co., Ltd. The transaction shall be financed through proceeds of debt repayment by Kilen Printing Co., Ltd. in the amount of THB 386.22 million to be received on January 15, 2018. Siam Print Co., Ltd. reported total assets of THB 563.99 million and net assets of THB 119.95 million as at December 31, 2016. Siam Print Co., Ltd. reported revenues of THB 447.28 million and net profit of THB 3.61 million in 2016. The Board of Directors of Siam Sport Syndicate Public Company Limited approved the transaction on December 28, 2017. The transaction is expected to be completed on January 1, 2018. N&A Appraisal Co., Ltd. acted as the appraiser in the transaction.