Sharp Corporation announced that it will release two kinds of 4k (Ultra HD) TVs in the US in 2013 at a press conference for the 2013 International CES. Specifically, the company will launch the ‘ICC Purios,' which will be released in Japan in February 2013, in the summer of 2013 in the US. Its price will be ¥2.62 million (approx USD 30,150) in Japan.

Also, it will release the ‘Aquos Ultra HD' in late 2013. Its size is 60 inches, which is the same as that of the ICC Purios, but the Aquos Ultra HD is not equipped with an image processing function called ‘Integrated Cognitive Creation (ICC).' Sharp has not yet decided the price of the Aquos Ultra HD.

The TV equipped with a ‘moth eye film,' which drew much attention at Ceatec 2012, is scheduled to be released in 2014. In the same year, Sharp will also launch a TV featuring the next-generation ‘Quattron,' which the company claims increases display quality while the pixel count of a panel is kept at full HD. At the press conference, Sharp stressed that the sales volume of 60-inch and larger TVs doubled in 2012.

Sharp's TVs that will be released in the US in and after March 2013 will be equipped with ‘Wallpaper' and ‘Super Bright' display modes. The former realizes a brightness equivalent to that of a real painting with a very low power consumption.