Shangri-La Asia Limited in relation to the re-designation of various members of the board of directors of the company with effect from January 1, 2017, the board now announced the following changes to the membership of the board committees of the board with effect from January 1, 2017: (a) Executive Committee: (i) Mr. KUOK Khoon Chen (‘Mr. KUOK’) has stepped down as a member and chairman of the executive committee and Ms. KUOK Hui Kwong (‘Ms. KUOK’), a current member, has assumed the position of chairman, (ii) Mr. LIM Beng Chee (‘Mr. LIM’) has been appointed a new member and (iii) Mr. LIU Kung Wei Christopher has stepped down as a member. (b) Nomination Committee: (i) Mr. KUOK has stepped down as a member and chairman of the Nomination Committee and Ms. KUOK has been appointed to the committee as member and chairman in place of Mr. KUOK. (c) Remuneration Committee: (i) Mr. KUOK has stepped down as a member of the Remuneration Committee and Ms. KUOK has been appointed to the committee in place of Mr. KUOK. Mr. LIM Beng Chee was a Non-executive Director from September 2016 to December 2016. He is currently a non-executive director and member of the audit committee of Changi Airports International Pte Limited, a non-executive director of WIND Group Pte Limited which is deemed to be wholly-owned by him, a non-executive director of Raffles Medical Group Limited and a non-executive director of SCPG Holdings Co, Limited.