Shanghai Dazhong Public Utilities(Group) Co.,Ltd. announced that Ms. Yu Min and Mr. Zhuang Jianhao will retire from their current positions both as executive Director and they will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. Mr. Li Songhua and Mr. Cheung Yip Sang will retire from their current positions both as non-executive director and they will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. Mr. Chan Wing Kin will retire from his current position as non-executive director and member of the Strategic Development Committee and will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. Mr. Yao Cho Fai Andrew will retire from his current position as independent non-executive director, and the position as Chairman of the Nomination Committee and member of the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, and will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. Mr. Wang Hongxiang will retire from his current position as independent non-executive director and the position as Chairman of the Audit Committee, and will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. Mr. Yang Jicai will retire from her current position as Supervisor and will not seek re-election at the 2019 AGM. The employee congress of the Company has elected Ms. Zhao Fei as the employee representative Supervisor of the eleventh session of the Supervisory Committee.