Certain A Shares of Shandong Kehui Power Automation Co.,Ltd. are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 16-JUN-2024. These A Shares will be under lockup for 1104 days starting from 8-JUN-2021 to 16-JUN-2024.

The controlling shareholder Shandong Hehui Investments Co., Ltd promised within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. The actual controller Xu Bingyin and his concerted action party Xu Bingwen promised within 36 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company.

Directors, supervisors, senior management promised within 12 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. Core technical staff promised within 12 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company. Shandong High-tech Venture Capital Co., Ltd.., Shenzhen Huaxin Ruicheng Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership) promised within 12 months since the date of listing of the present shares, there will not be no transfers nor entrustment of shares to any third party nor repurchase by the Company