The Board of Directors of Seoho Electric Co. Ltd. (KOSE:A065710) authorized a share repurchase program on December 4, 2012. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 20,000 shares for KRW 115 million, based on the closing price of KRW 5,750 per share as on the previous day. The repurchases will be made on the stock exchange. The purpose of the program is to distribute shares for stock options. The company will repurchase up to 3,745 shares on any day under the program. The repurchases will commence on December 5, 2012 and will end on December 28, 2012. As of December 3, 2012, the company had 294,378 shares in treasury through direct ownership and had no shares in treasury through trust agreements. Hyundai Securities Co., Ltd. acted as the broker to the company.

Seoho Electric Co. Ltd. completed its share repurchase program on December 17, 2012. Under the plan, the company has repurchased 20,000 shares for KRW 110.6 million.