Senseonics Holdings, Inc. announced that EmblemHealth is now providing coverage for the Eversense CGM System, effective immediately. This recent coverage decision adds to the growing number of payers who are writing Eversense into their CGM coverage policies, as well as paying for the healthcare provider’s time for the in-office sensor placement. EmblemHealth of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut has added coverage for Eversense in their 2021 CGM policy which expands access to approximately 2.9 million residents of these three states. The Eversense CGM System consists of a fluorescence-based sensor, a smart transmitter worn over the sensor to facilitate data communication, and a mobile app for displaying glucose values, trends and alerts. In addition to featuring the first long-term and first implantable CGM sensor, the system is also first to feature a smart transmitter that provides wearers with discreet on-body vibratory alerts for high and low glucose and can be removed, recharged and re-attached to the skin without discarding the sensor. Eversense users now have the freedom to make treatment decisions based on their Eversense readings. The sensor is inserted subcutaneously in the upper arm by a health care provider via a brief in-office procedure.