SEMAFO Inc. announced that metallurgical test work performed on high-grade Siou zone samples revealed gold recovery rates of over 95%. Testing on the Siou zone, located approximately 15 kilometers from the Mana mill, was conducted using a standard carbon-in-leach (CIL) process and results represent higher recovery rates than any deposit found at Mana to date. Following the delineation program completed in the third quarter of 2012, a series of Siou mineralized intervals across the main zone were selected for testing in order to establish the metallurgical characteristics of the deposit.

Based on visual core description and drill hole assay results, the deposit was already known to contain significant amounts of free visible gold grains although rarely larger than 0.5 millimeters. In addition, no relationship between the sulfide content and gold grades could be identified. Finally, gold was almost exclusively associated with quartz veins.

Delineation drilling and permitting at Siou remain a priority for the Corporation in 2013 in an effort to fast-track the deposit towards production. Two core rigs are currently active on the Siou zone, both along strike and at depth to establish the continuity of the mineralization. Siou's GRG results were similar with regard to free gold by demonstrating excellent gold recovery potential of between 75% and 87% via gravity concentration alone for MNO and MSS samples, respectively.

Test work was also performed to evaluate a combination of two processes, gravity concentration followed by CIL to determine if combined recovery rates would improve compared to the CIL process alone. Overall results showed no significant gain. BBWI performed on various samples is typical of Wona results, with values between 7.1 kWh/t and 11.5 kWh/t on soft oxide mineralization and between 14.0 kWh/t and 16.8 kWh/t on medium-hard sulphide mineralization.