Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. announced the latest addition to their line of mirror less cameras, the NX300. While it could easily get lost in Samsung's sea of NX models, the successor to the NX200 has a few interesting features in store for the camera-buying public.

One of the most notable features is that it is capable of switching from shooting 2D to 3D shooting (as well as from 2D to 3D video capture) without switching any hardware. The company is billing the NX300 as the “first one-lens 3D system capable of capturing both still images and full HD movies.” The company covered all the necessary ground so that the NX300 would be a worthy successor to the NX200. The new NX features an upgraded CMOS sensor and an new processing engine, as well as the same excellent 3.31-inch AMOLED touch display.

While it still shoots at 20.3 megapixels using an APS-C sensor, the new camera has an upgraded hybrid autofocus system that combines phase detect and contrast AF for super fast focusing.