D&B is the world's leading source of company information and now for the first time is available to companies of all sizes through Data.com
Data.com customers can deliver business growth with access to quality sources of data that are updated in real-time and available instantly in salesforce.com
Data.com with D&B company information, now live in salesforce.com, is mobilizing sales and marketing teams to help build successful social enterprises

) company, today announced that Dun & Bradstreet's (D&B) (NYSE: DNB) company information is now live and accessible to salesforce.com customers through Data.com. Salesforce.com is democratizing data by making crowd-sourced contact information and the leading enterprise company information available to users, powering the ability to connect and sell within social enterprises.

Comments on the News

  • "Data.com is simplifying the process of accessing and maintaining business data to help companies transform into successful social enterprises," said Brett Queener, executive vice president and GM of Data.com. "With D&B company information available to customers, companies of all sizes now have the information needed for sales and marketing teams to deliver efficiency and business growth."
  • "D&B company information is known for its quality and breadth of coverage," said Josh Peirez, President, Global Product, Marketing and Innovation at D&B. "Through this alliance with salesforce.com, we are able to extend our leading business intelligence information to thousands of new customers."
  • "Our sales and marketing teams depend on Data.com to help build sales pipe and drive highly segmented marketing campaigns," said Karen Steele, SVP corporate marketing at Saba. "With D&B company information now live, we have a single unified asset of high quality data making it faster and easier for us to build business success."

Companies today work in an environment where there is more information available than ever before. Businesses struggle to identify the right information from the right source in a timely fashion and to efficiently bring this data together with their business processes. Data.com is showing customers a better way: with clean and accurate business data, customers can grow their business more efficiently by allocating resources effectively, improving campaign ROI and increasing productivity.

As salesforce.com customers look to become social enterprises, it's more important than ever that companies of all size can access high-quality business data that is cleaned in real-time directly within salesforce.com. With Data.com, customers can drive business growth and overall efficiency as a social enterprise.

, one of the most recognized account identifiers in the world, to identify, organize and consolidate information about businesses, linking information about customers, suppliers and trading partners. For salesforce.com customers, Data.com enables marketing professionals to develop segmented and targeted lists to execute custom marketing campaigns. In addition to marketing enablement, sales teams can also create highly targeted account plans, plan resources effectively and shorten sales cycles by accessing contact and account information updated in real-time directly within salesforce.com.

Pricing and Availability
Data.com--including D&B company information--is available now to customers with a Data.com Corporate User license. For detailed pricing and availability information, please visit .

About Salesforce.com
is the enterprise cloud computing company that is leading the shift to the social enterprise. Social enterprises leverage social, mobile and open cloud technologies to put customers at the heart of their business. Based on salesforce.com's real-time, multitenant architecture, the company's platform and application services include:

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