SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA Listed Company Estrada de Alfragide, nº 67, Amadora Registered Share Capital: € 169,764,398 Registered at the Amadora Registrar of Companies under the single registration and taxpayer number 503 219 886 ANNOUNCEMENT ON TRANSACTIONS OF SHARES

Under the provisions and for the purposes of article 248 - B of the Securities Code and of Securities Commission (CMVM) Regulation no. 5 / 2008, it is hereby announced that this Company received today an announcement which reads as follows:

"SGC - SGPS, SA announces, under the provisions and for the purposes of para. 1 of Clause

248 - B of the Securities Code, that it has acquired, in the Euronext Lisbon, the following shares of SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA:

Price (€)

It further announces that, following the said transactions, SGC SGPS, SA now directly owns
117,322,677 shares of SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA.
This announcement is made due to the fact that some directors of SGC - SGPS, SA are directors of the company whose shares were subject to the above mentioned transactions, and to the fact that control of SGC - SGPS, SA is imputable to João Manuel de Quevedo Pereira Coutinho, Chairman of the Board of SAG GEST - Soluções Automóvel Globais, SGPS, SA, to whom
134,717,702 shares of the said issuer, representing 88.05% of the correspondent voting rights of its share capital, are directly and indirectly imputable."

Alfragide, 14 January 2013

José Maria Cabral Vozone

Investor Relations

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