Radegast Invested Millions of Crowns (CZK) to New Projects Aimed at Conserving Water (Translation)

11 January 2012

Projects will decrease water consumption by hundreds of thousands of hectolitres

Nošovice, January 10, 2012 - During the last couple of years, Radegast brewery made important steps in conserving water. Thanks to investments into technologically advanced equipment, it will conserve about 1,000,000 hl of water a year now. That is about one year of water supply for about 3.500 citizens of Moravia-Silesia region. The installation of a new generation compressor for compressed air production and by using generated by product heat is among the key projects. With its targeted projects in the field of water conservation, Radegast brewery saved more than 5.5 million CZK in water consumption used per 1 hl of beer produced, and moved up among the five best breweries within the SABMiller Group, which manages more than 100 breweries in 75 countries worldwide.

A mindful use of water is a Radegast brewery long-time goal. "Water is a precious material and so the maximum conservation of it is a part of our responsible approach. The result of our projects from past few years is that measured consumption of water per 1 hl of beer did not exceed 3 hl of water. That places us to those among the top breweries in the world," said Ivo Ka

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