h t t p : / / w w w . s a b a f . i t - s a b a f @ s a b a f . i t

Press release Ospitaletto, 4 January 2013

Update on the execution of the buy-back programme

With reference to the buy-back programme approved by the shareholders on 8 May 2012 and launched on

8 June 2012, Sabaf S.p.A. informs that in the period between 31 December 2012 and 4 January 2013 acquired no. 4,488 treasury shares at an average unit price of € 9.1712 per share, for a total amount of

€ 41,160.33.

Details of the transactions on a daily basis:


Number of shares purchased

Average price per share (EUR)

Countervalue (EUR)

2 January 2013




3 January 2013




4 January 2013








Following to such operations, Sabaf owns, as at 4 January 2013, no. 271,738 treasury shares, amounting to

2.36% of the share capital.

Pursuant to Article 154-bis, paragraph 2 of the Italian Consolidated Finance Act (Testo Unico della Finanza), the company's Financial Reporting Officer Gianluca Beschi declares that the financial disclosure contained in this press release corresponds to the company's records, books and accounting entries.

For further information:

Investor Relations
Gianluca Beschi
tel. +39 030 6843236 gianluca.beschi@sabaf.it www.sabaf.it
Press Office

Power Emprise - tel. +39 02 39400100

Cosimo Pastore - +39 335 213305 cosimopastore@poweremprise.com Jenny Giuliani - +39 349 2408123 jennygiuliani@poweremprise.com Sara Pavesi - +39 340 6486083 sarapavesi@poweremprise.com
Founded in the early 1950s, Sabaf has grown consistently over the years to become the key manufacturer in Italy - and one of the leading in the world - of components for kitchens and domestic gas cooking appliances.
The product range features four main categories: valves, thermostats and burners for gas cooking appliances and hinges for ovens, washing machines and dishwashers.
Unparalleled technological expertise, manufacturing flexibility, and the ability to offer a vast range of components - tailor-made to meet the requirements of individual manufacturers of cookers and built-in hobs and ovens and in line with the specific characteristics of its core markets - are Sabaf's key strengths in a sector featuring major specialisation, constantly evolving demand and an ever-increasing orientation towards products assuring total reliability and safety.

The Sabaf Group has some 700 employees. It operates through its direct parent company Sabaf SpA and the subsidiaries Faringosi-Hinges - leader in the production of oven and dishwasher hinges - and Sabaf do Brasil - active in production of burners for the South American market. Sabaf is also present through subsidiaries in Mexico, the USA and China.

S A B A F S . p . A V i a d e i C a r p i n i , 1 2 5 0 3 5 O s p i t a l e t t o ( B r e s c i a ) I t a l i a

T e l . + 3 9 0 3 0 6 8 4 3 0 0 1 F a x + 3 9 0 3 0 6 8 4 8 2 4 9 C a p i t a l e S o c i a l e € 1 1 . 5 3 3 . 4 5 0 i . v .

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