The following are median forecasts for this week's remaining U.S. data from a survey compiled by The Wall Street Journal.

DATE      TIME  RELEASE                       PERIOD     CONSENSUS    PREVIOUS 
Tuesday   0945  S&P Global Flash Mfg PMI       Apr        52.0   (9)   51.9* 
          0945  S&P Global Flash Svcs PMI      Apr        52.0   (8)   51.7* 
          1000  Richmond Fed Mfg Svy           Apr       -8      (3)  -11 
          1000  New Home Sales                 Mar        669K   (22)  662K 
                  -- percent change            Mar       +1.1%        -0.3% 
Wednesday 0830  Durable Goods Orders           Mar       +2.6%   (22) +1.3%** 
Thursday  0830  Jobless Claims                 Apr 20     215K   (18)  212K 
          0830  Real GDP (1st Reading)         1Q        +2.4%   (22) +3.4%*** 
          0830  GDP Prices (1st Reading)       1Q        +3.0%   (9)  +1.6%*** 
          1000  Pending Home Sales             Mar       +0.0%   (13) +1.6% 
          1100  Kansas City Fed Mfg Svy        Apr        N/A         -7 
                  Composite Index 
Friday    0830  Personal Income                Mar       +0.5%   (23) +0.3% 
          0830  Consumer Spending              Mar       +0.7%   (22) +0.8% 
          0830  PCE Prices M/M                 Mar       +0.3%   (17) +0.3% 
          0830  PCE Prices Y/Y                 Mar       +2.6%   (11) +2.5% 
          0830  Core PCE Prices M/M            Mar       +0.3%   (20) +0.3% 
          0830  Core PCE Prices Y/Y            Mar       +2.7%   (12) +2.8% 
          1000  Consumer Sentiment             Apr        77.9   (17)  77.9**** 
*End-Mar Reading 
**Revised Figure 
***4Q 3rd Reading 
****April Prelim Reading 
(Figures in parentheses refer to number of economists surveyed.) 
Write to Donna Huneke at 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

04-22-24 1414ET