S E A Holdings Limited announced that Mr. Lam Sing Tai, a Non-executive Director of the company, and Mr. Leung Hok Lim, an Independent Non-executive Director of the company have informed the company that they will not seek for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the company to be held on May 28, 2021 in order to devote more time to their other commitments and areas of interest; Mr. Lam and Mr. Leung will retire as Directors of the company with effect from conclusion of the AGM; and Mr. Leung will also cease to be the chairman of the Audit Committee of the company and a member of each of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee of the company with effect from conclusion of the AGM. Mr. Lam joined the Group in 1973. He has been serving on the Board for 15 years since his appointment as a Non-executive Director of the company in 2006. Mr. Leung has been serving on the Board for 22 years since his appointment as an INED in 1999.