Ryanair and Enilive, a company directly controlled by Eni which holds 100% of its capital, announced today that they have signed a letter of intent for the long-term supply of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to Ryanair at certain Italian airports.

This agreement with Enilive would give Ryanair access to up to 100,000 tonnes of SAF between 2025 and 2030 (the equivalent of 20,000 Milan-Dublin flights).

SAF is a concrete solution to help decarbonize aviation over the coming decades, but currently represents only a small fraction of current fuel consumption worldwide.

At its biorefineries in Italy, Enilive processes mainly waste raw materials, such as used cooking oils, animal fats and residues from the agri-food industry, to produce Eni Biojet, an SAF containing 100% biogenic components and which can be blended with conventional jet fuel up to 50%.

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