Rottneros AB reported consolidated and parent company earnings results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 2013. For the quarter, the consolidated company reported net turnover of SEK 317 million against SEK 329 million a year ago. Operating loss was SEK 42 million against operating income of SEK 1 million a year ago. Loss after net financial items was SEK 43 million against SEK 0 a year ago. Loss after tax was SEK 43 million or 0.28 per share against SEK 10 million or 0.07 per share a year ago. Cash in flow from operating activities amounted to SEK 2 million against cash out flow from operating activities of SEK 8 million a year ago.

For the full year, the consolidated company reported net turnover of SEK 1,389 million against SEK 1,437 million a year ago. Operating loss was SEK 154 million against operating income of SEK 6 million a year ago. Loss after net financial items was SEK 158 million against profit after net financial items of SEK 6 million a year ago. Loss after tax was SEK 158 million or 1.04 per share against SEK 13 million or 0.09 per share a year ago. Cash in flow from current operations was SEK 62 million against SEK 41 million a year ago. Capital expenditure was SEK 35 million against SEK 46 million a year ago.

For the quarter, the parent company reported net turnover of SEK 2 million against SEK 2 million a year ago. Operating loss was SEK 11 million against SEK 5 million a year ago. Loss after net financial items was SEK 13 million against income after net financial items of SEK 19 million a year ago. Loss after tax was SEK 13 million against SEK 15 million a year ago.

For the full year, the parent company reported net turnover of SEK 6 million against SEK 6 million a year ago. Operating loss was SEK 46 million against SEK 29 million a year ago. Loss after net financial items was SEK 93 million against SEK 3 million a year ago. Loss after tax was SEK 93 million against SEK 7 million a year ago.