Ulyanovsk DG, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC (a member of Rosseti Group of Companies) set up special commissions in order to hold preliminary inspections to assess preparedness of the branch and its production departments for operations during 2015-2016 autumn and winter season. Commission members include top management and specialists of the executive body of Ulyanovsk DG, a branch of IDGC of Volga, PJSC, as well as representatives of Emercom of Russia, Rostekhnadzor, and the System Operator. These commissions were appointed in order ensure all pre-requisites for operational preparedness of the branch for the forthcoming peak load periods. During the first stage of inspections, commissions will monitor the progress of all scheduled activities on a weekly basis. During preliminary inspections, the commission inspected compliance with schedules of the capital repair and on-line maintenance at the facilities of the company and quality of the work performed, availability of emergency reserve equipment and materials necessary for accident recovery activities, operational preparedness of dispatcher and operations control systems, availability of personal protective equipment, special clothing and tools. Based on preliminary inspection results, the commissions will prepare a schedule for rectification of defects or omissions that have been identified at the first stage and that can prevent successful preparation of the branch for the peak load period. The final assessment of preparedness for the forthcoming autumn-winter period will commence in late September.

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