Everyone wants a faster website. Faster websites increase sales and productivity for ecommerce customers, users and business partners. The problem is that making a website faster means getting developers to change their ways and employ best practices for web content optimization (WCO) techniques. The application backlog of change requests is long and growing so having your developers focus on performance is probably not the best business move.

Riverbed Stingray has released a new easy-to-use tool to make webpages load faster and requires no configuration for hands off optimization, called Stingray Aptimizer Express.

Stingray Aptimizer Express is an add-on module for Stingray Traffic Manager that provides a set of robust optimizations to accelerate the delivery of most web pages, no configuration or tuning is required. This advanced WCO capability with Stingray Aptimizer Express is available as a licensed add-on module for Stingray Traffic Manager 9.5.

Stingray Aptimizer Enterprise is the full featured version of Aptimizer that is available as pure software for web server installs, as an add-on module for Stingray Traffic Manager or as a pre-packaged software appliance for virtual and cloud environments

Using Aptimizer Express, our internal performance testing shows an average reduction in the number of resources downloaded by 15% (first page view) and 58% (subsequent page views), and a data size reduction of 17% (first page view) and 91% (subsequent page views). This testing was done for a large number of public websites and averaged; your results may be different.

Aptimizer Express provides a safe set of preconfigured website optimization techniques that speed up page load times, shrink data sizes, and reduce bandwidth costs, without the need for time consuming manual configuration. Individual features for Aptimizer Express and performance benefits include:

  • Minify JavaScript and CSS Documents
  • Inline CSS Background Images
  • Resample Images
  • Remove Redundant Image Information
  • Version and Cache Resources
  • Caching of Non-Versioned Resources
  • ETag Header
  • Flatten CSS
  • Compress Resources

Here is screen capture of Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager 9.5 running the free Developer Edition.  Turning Aptimizer Express on is a simple process of just selecting the Radio button to On.

In summary, the ROI of using a proven, off the shelf solution, like Stingray Aptimizer is a good business decision.  The benefit of using a mature product that has been optimizing websites for all major browsers and mobile devices using the latest techniques frees up your developers to focus on the business.

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